iOS 9 beta 5 heat up iPhone

after updating beta 5 iphone heat up badly in using each and every app like pocket heater. Is anyone else experiencing worse battery life and their phone heating up .


me too.. im using iPhone 5s.. (Build: 13A4325c)
ive tried to restart also . turn it off for 1 hour and turned it on and sleep. and when I woke. its semi heat ...

and when I started to use it it heat up again . compared to last beta 4 - Public Beta 2 and compaired to iOS 8.4 that not making my iPhone heat up :/

Must be something in iOS causing the problem. I had the same issue with an iPad running Beta 5. Used the iPad to view a self updating web page and the pad got so warm it was approaching hot.

I'm having the same issues with the latest beta 5..... trying Low Power Mode to see if it helps

nope i tried already but Not helpful.

iPhone still heating up really badly ..

I'm seeing the same problem with my iPad Air.

Saw the same behaviour this morning after using the phone (iPhone 6) for a while - stragely enough over night it did not heat up and now it is hot even when just sitting on the desk. I turned off the new WiFi Assist and since then the phone has cooled down and seems it is no longer heating up, even though I am running an iCloud Backup.

I have noticed a major drop in the duration of my battery life. It's like the phone is working hard on something at all times.

Here's my "Oh no - I upgraded my phone and its warm and battery life stinks a little" general recovery;

BEFORE YOU DO THIS - Keep your information about Wifi & VPN connections handy AS THIS WILL WIPE THEM OUT!

Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings

This has cured my "My phone is too warm" and "Battery life" 99% of the time.

AGAIN - You will need to re-setup ALL Wifi and VPN connections BUT WELL WORTH IT!

This CAN happen when updating IOS software.

i tried everything but still heating up i think something in iOS causing the problem..

I saw an issue on Beta 4 with a SIM card from a certain network. The "commcenter" process was constantly running to the max (80+ CPU Usage), battery lasting 2 hours, phone was hot.

As soon as I put a SIM from another provider, commcenter usage dropped back to normal levels and my battery lasted longer, phone was cooler.

If you are a developer and have access to XCode, use the Instruments app (on the Mac) to see what process it is that's causing your battery usage and overheating.

Beta 5 actually fixed it for me, but introduced a seperate issue (no mobile data).

I've filed a bug report for my issue.

iI've been impressed by battery life in previous betas, but so far Beta 5 on my 5S is suffering from the same issues as described - rapid battery loss and excessive heating just doing simple tasks.

The battery % seems off too - it jumped from 17% to 1% in a minute, then lasted another 30 minutes at 1% streaming over 3G.

im going to try turning off WiFi assist, then network settings and I'll report back.

How are you guys on 4-5 beta it still beta 3 but a lot is wrong with it so i am scared that this is going to be a really bad release for a new ios.......I really hope they have a lot of last minute changes to the software before the actual public release in september

Have a huge power drain too - and a hot iPhone 6+.

But I noticed that the powerconsumption returned to normal when switching off the cell-reception (airplane-mode) and just turning on Wifi and Bluetooth.

Another indicator it is related to the cell-reception is my settings-app freezing everytime I access the "Mobile-Data"-settings. It gets even hotter after that.

Anyone else?

(BTW bug reported!)

OK, maybe I found the culprit; I've set up the phone as new - and everything worked out fine. But when enabling "Voice & Data" in the cellular-settings it started to drain and freeze again.

Maybe anyone else with this drain could give it a try?