DNS Filter rule behaviour in 10.15.5


I am working Transparent App proxy on macOS platform.

Filter rule is set:

NENetworkRule *includeRule = [[NENetworkRule alloc] initWithDestinationHost:[NWHostEndpoint endpointWithHostname:@"example.com" port:@"0"] protocol:NENetworkRuleProtocolAny];

As per the document: Matches all TCP and UDP traffic to hosts in the "example.com" DNS domain, including all DNS queries for names in the example.com DNS domain.

Documented behaviour was working for all the applications e.g. Chrome, Safar, curl etc till 10.15.4.

BUT dcoumeted behaviour stopped working in 10.15.5 for Chrome only (Please note there was no Chrome update) i.e. all other applications like Safari, curl etc. working fine.


Anand Choubey


Sorry, I missed question:

Could you please confirm whether behaviour change this is bug in 10.15.5?
