How to create a provisioning profile containing my entitlement

I asked the account holder of my company's developer account to request an entitlement for building with DriverKit. Then later I received an email saying the entitlement had been granted.

I am trying to build a driverkit project but it fails for Code Signing. The errors I am getting are two things: first the provisioning profile doesn't contain my development certificate. I actually did add it when I created it in the developer portal. The second error is that the provisioning profile doesn't contain the entitlement.

One of the things I did was revoke my development certificate and create a certificate request and make a new development certificate. Then I created a provisioning profile for Mac development adding my new developer certificate and my device (i.e. my Mac I use for development) for the wildcard identifier. Then I downloaded and installed the provisioning profile. Then I restarted Xcode and opened my driverkit project. I had to import the provisioning profile wtihin Xcode in order for it to appear as an option for manual signing.

I'm on MacOS 10.14.6 and Xcode Version 11.3.1 (11C504).

Is the problem that I am on Mojave or that I need to revoke and re-create my Developer ID: Application certificate? I don't want to have to do either of these things because the former would be a real pain for me and the second would be a real pain for other people at my company using the certificate.