App can't write within itself


I am trying to get an app written in java 11 to work on MacOs. It simply consists on a bash script that runs an executable jar, with some additional resource xml files. Last year, I had manually bundled it into an app folder and succesfully codesigned (without any entitlements) and distributed it outside of the Apple store; it was working then.

Now I am attempting to produce a new version, which is also codesigned successfuly, but when I upload it anywhere, download it again and run it, it cannot write on the configuration files already present within itself (or to be more precise the files in /private/var/folders/ where it is copying itself to, which is read only).

I then tried disable multiple security entitlements (below) but this didn't make a difference.

I would like to know if there is a practical solution to this problem. Although the app itself is not extremely complicated, it is too big to migrate it to work with XCode, which I know would be the proper way to go about this.

Here is how I am codesigning the .app :

codesign --entitlements app.entitlements -f -s "Developer ID Application: (...)" --timestamp --options runtime appFolder/

and here is the contents of my entitlements file (it has been growing gradually as I was looking for solutions):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

<plist version="1.0">




















Any advice is much appreciated.

Thank you,



Writing inside the app bundle invalidates the code signature, so the next time macOS will check if the code signature is valid, your app won't work anymore. You should write the configurations in ~/Library/Application Support/<name of your app>/ or something similar.

Your app is being run from a read-only place probably because of "App Translocation" security feature.