Installing Xcode 11.5 from Appstore requires multiple downloads ?

I get a behavior I never experienced before when updating XCode from 11.4.1 to 11.5 from Appstore.

I'm using a MBP, MacOS 10.15.4.

- When update starts, system indicates (in Launchpad )a download of 2.03 GB (!?! Not 8 GB)

- After download, installation starts (or seem to start).

- After a minute or so, a new download starts, this time announced as 8.09 GB.


I also tried to download from downloads/more.

I get a full download (of 8.12 GB), even though the file is labelled (on the web page) as 7.5 GB for then xip file.

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In these cases, my habit in the past has always been to not bother with the running joke that is the MAS, and go right over to More - I see Xcode 11.5 there already, so... I don't worry about update process then, rather just fall back into a manual process.


Store [More] tells me it's 8.1 GB