FBX to USD (with morph targets)

Convert FBX to USD (with Morph Targets)

1 - Reality converter
FBX to USD worked, but not Morph Targets.
From what I researched, Reality converter is using USDPython 0.62, which doesnt support Morph targets.
Would be great if apple update Reality converter to suppport 0.64 with Morph Targets.
2- USDPython 0.64
USDZconvert command for FBX to USD worked, but not Morph Targets
Looks like the script that supports FBX to USD is usdStageWithFbx.py (inside example folder). I have seen no documentation on how to run this script.

Can someone from Apple help out with step by step instructions?
Cheers to all!


Were you able to solve this somehow? We're currently having the same issue.