iOS8/iOS9 GameCenter Testing

In iOS9, Beta 4, the complete device locks up, whenever a sandbox test account is used to sign in with Game Center. Probably due to the fact, that Apple merged production and sandbox environments (see my previous posting). When using a 'real' Apple ID, things work fine.

This, however, brings up a bunch of problems:

(1) It looks to me, that iOS9 devices (where you have to sign in with a 'real' Apple ID) won't communicate with iOS8 devices (running in Sandbox Mode), as they don't share the same infrastructure anymore. Also, friend requests do not work any more between the platforms, as the iOS8 device is in a different environment. Means, there is absolutely no way, to test multiplayer compatibility between iOS8 and iOS9 devices - neither in Nearby devices are found, nor friend players are listed.

(2) For testing purposes, we have created around ~50 sandbox test accounts for different levels and profiles. We have around 25 test devices, which already have partially upgraded to iOS9, Beta 4. As a consequence, all iOS9 devices won't communicate with the iOS8 devices any more.

(3) As the sandbox accounts lock up the iOS9 devices, this means, that we need to create 'real' accounts with all ovewrhead associated with it - including, that each test account will receive endless marketing mails from Apple.

So, does anybody have a glue on how to get around these issues?