Generate differentes Certificates using the same CSR

Can I use the same CSR to generate differents Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificates? I`m planning use the same private key for differents merchant IDs in differentes enrolmments.

In my enrolmment I Can generate Certificates for each merchant with the same CSR, but when I`m trying generate certificate using a CSR used in another enrollment to generate Apple Pay Payment Processing Certificates I`m receiving this message: "The uploaded CSR file has already been used to generate another certificate. Please upload a new CSR either by obtaining one from your Payment Provider or creating a new CSR."


I wanted to weigh in on getting yourself into a situation where you are distributing multiple copies of your private key to different clients. This puts you is a fragile state where if one private keys is compromised then all the other clients using this key are essentially compromised as well. My recommendation would be to avoid distributing your private key in this manner.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at