Although "hev1" codec type support appears, we are having trouble playing on the client. Is "hev1" codec type supported? Or "hvc1" must?


I have some questions regarding the article "HLS Authoring Specification for Apple Devices".

Spec: You SHOULD use video formats in which the parameter sets are stored in the sample descriptions, rather than the samples. (i.e., Use 'avc1', 'hvc1', or 'dvh1' rather than 'avc3', 'hev1', or 'dvhe'.)

Questions: Although "hev1" codec type support appears, we are having trouble playing on the client. Is "hev1" codec type supported? Or "hvc1" must?


So far as I am aware we should be able to play 'hev1'content.

We do prefer 'hvc1'. If you are able to produce either, then do use 'hvc1'.

If you believe your issues with 'hev1' are our fault, please create a bug.