Test if UI elements on the Storyboard are localized


I want my UI Test method to test if the UI element on the Main.storyboard is localized. But the NSLocalizedString does not seem to read localized strings from the storyboard...

I have a UIViewController on the Main.storyboard. The View Controller has a few UI elements. I have localized the Main.storyboard itself and the localization strings are inside of Main.strings file. When the storyboard is localized its localization Strings have the following format:

/* Class = "UITextField"; placeholder = "Password"; ObjectID = "CAR-iQ-ZyB"; */ 
"CAR-iQ-ZyB.placeholder" = "Password";

I wonder how to read localized Strings from this file(Main.strings) in my UI Test method?

To read localized strings from a Localizable.strings file I usually use the following:

let localizedStringValue = NSLocalizedString(<key here>, bundle: <bundle here>, comment: "")

But this does not work with the localized storyboard strings file(Main.strings).

How to read the localized Main storyboard strings in code?

Thank you very much!