SwiftUI alignment Images


I am looking for a solution to center my pictures in the ZStack. This on both the x and y axes. I want the image to fit into the stack, adjust to the width and just be displayed completely in the middle. What does not fit should be "cut off". ".aspectRatio (contentMode: .fill)" does not help me. ".stretch" adapts it to the width, but squeezes it into the display. Thank you for your help.



I didn't try it, but I thought of this:

- embed the image in a view with the width of the stack

- center the image in this view.

I´m a beginner and in my mind i would like to keep the code so flexible as possible. My simple app is only intended for the iPad actualy, but for the future: I don´t know what for a device the user will use. So i thought, i could keep it more flexible and tell him not a explicit width.

Sure, what I meant is to make sure the width of the subview is equal to the stack width, dynamically.

Note: you should move your question to SwiftUI section of the forum.

I can´t remove it into SwiftUI. Because there is no SwiftUI to select.

Sorry if i maybe misunderstand you: My stack width is perfect. But the image in this stack isn´t centered on the x and y axes. It´s not exactly the middle of the image. That´s my problem.

Please have a look:





ZStack (alignment: .leading) {
                .resizable(resizingMode: .tile)
                //.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
            .cornerRadius(8, antialiased: true)
            .frame(height: 155)