Reusing of an Existing BundleID for New App

Hi All,

We are planning to put down an old iOS application that is already available for download in Appstore and replace it with a totally different app with totally different code base but same application name. Question: Is it possible to deploy a totally different app to an existing app package in iTunesConnect and reuse its Bundle ID so the newly uploaded version of the app will update the old ones that were already installed to our subscriber's devices?

I assumed it's just a regular build uploading. I am just thinking maybe there are other considerations that I need to put in place since the new app is totally a different code base.

Hope to hear from you guys.



'new app'...are you sure you want to state that, instead of 'update' or 'new version'?

Question is how different will the new version be from the one users have now. If it's just code and perhaps new additional features, etc., then no big deal, and a routine enough process as updates go.

Just be sure you don't take something fundamental away from existing users that they have already paid for...this would risk raising a flag during review, so be prepared to explain what your plan is in that example.

If your intent is a 100% completely new app with 0 ties to the old one outside of perhaps just the name, it is best to use a new bundleID and maybe a name variant. Don't put your users in a state of confusion.