What is finishMatchmaking( ) ?

Will someone please tell me ...

  • What does the "finishMatchmaking(for: )" function actually do?
  • What circumstances should this function be called?

GKMatchmaker.shared().finishMatchmaking(for: myMatch!)

Accepted Reply

I think it is used when you wish to start a match and terminate matchmaking without waiting for match.expectedPlayerCount == 0


I think it is used when you wish to start a match and terminate matchmaking without waiting for match.expectedPlayerCount == 0

How can you start a match before all of the players in the match are truly connected. Anyway, thanks for the information.

Suppose you propose playing 5 handed poker, ok? 4 players sign up to play. After waiting a few seconds suppose you decided you wanted to start with just the 4 playres even though you originally asked for 5. How would you do that?

Hearts can be played with 3 or 4 players. Suppose I invite 3 freinds to play with me but one refuses. How do i start playing with the 2 that accepted?


Chinese Checkers.

Well that makes sense ! Thanks for the examples.