No button to verify domain in Sign In with Apple

I was following documentation to set up Sign In with Apple for my website but I can't find the button to verify my domain and it seems that without domain verification authorization does not work - Sign In With Apple returns error that Sign-Up not completed.

I am using Firebase Auth and have been following their and also Apple documentations step-by-step.

Anyone else has experienced this issue?

Accepted Reply

File-based web domain verification is no longer required for Sign in with Apple. For more information about the updates to the configuration steps, please see the following post—

Note: The Sign Up Not Completed error can also occur when the `scope` and/or `response_type` query parameters, which require space separation and percent-encoding for multiple values; for example, `"scope=name%20email"`.


I am having the same issue here.

File-based web domain verification is no longer required for Sign in with Apple. For more information about the updates to the configuration steps, please see the following post—

Note: The Sign Up Not Completed error can also occur when the `scope` and/or `response_type` query parameters, which require space separation and percent-encoding for multiple values; for example, `"scope=name%20email"`.