Multiplayer invitations get stuck on iOS 13.4

For a multiplayer game with 2 players,

Invitation is sent using GKMatchmakerViewController.

Other side recieves the invitation and launches GKMatchmakerViewController using initWithInvite.

Both sides show connecting... label.

Prior to iOS 13.4 -

connecting label is changed to accepted,

delegate method matchmakerViewController:didFindMatch is called on both sides and the game starts.

iOS 13.4 - both sides are stuck with the connecting... label,

delegate method matchmakerViewController:didFindMatch is never called so the game never starts


This post might be related to your issue:

It is related, they probably have the same problem but there are no solutions in the post or in the comments

Yes, but if you're able to reproduce the issue on real devices, you should file a bug report ( In your bug report, if you note the errors from your device logs and also include a link to that post to correlate it with other bug reports, it could help Apple track down the bug.


I had the exact same issue. My iPhone has 13.4 iOS and I can send (or receive) an Invite request for my game application but the GKMatchmakerViewController for both players (inviter and invitee) remain stuck at "Connecting". This is on real devices on my Apple Store app

After updating to 13.4.1, this issue has been resolved for me