Any way to disable tvOS's fast scrolling?

We use a UIScrollView but manage our own virtualization and when fast scrolling kicks in tvOS adds a secret child to our UIScrollView of type _UIFocusFastScrollingIndexBarView and gives it focus. I don't see shouldUpdateFocus being called for when this happens so I can't stop it. This is wreaking havok with our input and virtualization systems.
We've tried scrollView.indexDisplayMode = .alwaysHidden but that doesn't stop this.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of jhbo Down vote post of jhbo


Correction, scrollView.indexDisplayMode = .alwaysHidden appears to stop the swipe on the right edge gesture but it does not stop the multiple-fast-swipes gesture. tvOS will still go into fast scroll mode and give focus to the widget that's hidden. I'll file a Radar.

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of jhbo Down vote reply of jhbo
  • Did you ever get any feedback from your radar on this? Losing control over the focus sure is annoying when implementing advanced views.

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This is one of the most annoying issues I have found with tvOS.

What I have found is that when a UIScrollView enters in this "fastFocus" scroll mode, the focus moves to UIView of type "UIFocusFastScrollingIndexBarView".

So what I did was put a check in my didUpdateFocus() function like so:

if let tempNextFocusView = context.nextFocusedView {
    let desc = type(of: tempNextFocusView).description()
    let isFastFocusMode = desc.contains("_UIFocusFastScrollingIndexBarView")

At least now I know when I am in this mode. One of the biggest issues I have is that it can be difficult to get a notification that the user has exited out of this mode. There are use-cases where none of my UIScrollView delegate functions are called - typically if the user does a bunch of fast swiping and then clicks to stop scrolling then scrolls again... No items will receive focus and none of the scrollView delegates are called. i.e., our QA can break this pretty easily.

  • This method doesn't work anymore I believe. I tested on a tvOS Simulator however

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