dext problem

In 10.15.4 OS system,

I made a dext Demo App, and can load and unload.

However, after the load is completed, I enter the system-> report-> Extension interface and find that the information of my dext extension always prompts "Kext signature validation error code -67050" error.

1. How do I resolve this issue? I used Mac Developer Cer + profile for compilation.

2. Excuse me, Must the bundle ID of the App and the bundle ID of dext be the same?


Hi, can you share your steps about how to load and unload your dext Demo App? Have you got DriverKit Entitlement?

Hi, sir,

I load my dext, as follow code



OSSystemExtensionRequest *request = [OSSystemExtensionRequest activationRequestForExtension:@"com.newsoft.HID-driver.dextDriver" queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];

request.delegate = self;

[[OSSystemExtensionManager sharedManager] submitRequest:request];

self.request = request;


In addition,

the Entitlement of my App contains the following info

System Extension YES

App Scandbox YES YES

the Entitlement of my dext contains the following info YES YES YES YES

App Sandbox YES

I have applied for DriverKit request