Notarised and stapled app are also show malware pop up on 10.15.2

Hi All,

I have followed these steps stil app is showing malware pop up.

1) Signing the dmg with certificate.

codesign --force -o runtime -s "Developer ID Application: XXXX" "path to dmg"

2) Sent for notarisation:-

xcrun altool --notarize-app -f "path to dmg" --primary-bundle-id  "bundle identifier" -u "apple id "  —p "app specific pwd"  --output-format xml

3) After getting notization mail, able to staple the dmg.

xcrun stapler staple "path to dmg"

4) After staple and notraised if i check the dmg and .app after extraction both are notaried and accepted:-

a) .dmg:-

spctl --assess --verbose --type open --context "context:primary-signature" "path to dmg"

output is :-

check.dmg: accepted

source=Notarized Developer ID

b) .app :-

spctl --assess --type execute --verbose --ignore-cache --no-cache "path to app"

output is :- accepted

source=Notarized Developer ID

i have uploaded dmg to website and then download then extractedto appplication folder but if i double click the app in application folder.

can you tell where i get wrong with these steps and .app and .dmg both are accepted and notarised.


Getting this pop up after user download the dmg

Please re-test on 10.15.4. 10.15.x, x < 4, has a bug that can cause problems like this (r. 57278824). If your product fails on 10.15.2 but works on 10.15.2, there’s a relatively straightforward workaround. OTOH, if it still fails on 10.15.4 then something more complex is afoot.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Hi Eskimo,

dmg and and app is create on 10.15.2 with xcode 11.3.1 but it is not work on any os even in mohave it is showing the same pop up.

are you suggesting me to create and notarize it with diffrent os version ?

Best Regards,

Jagandeep Singh

are you suggesting me to create and notarize it with diffrent os version?

No. The tools you use to create your product isn’t a factor here [1]. Likewise for the OS version on which you run those tools. This issue is about the interaction between the way that your product is built and the Gatekeeper implementation on the OS that you’re running it on.

but it is not work on any os

So you ran your app on 10.15.4 and got the same error?

Share and Enjoy

Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

[1] Well, that’s not quite true. You have to use the macOS 10.19 SDK or later in order to pass notarisation. Also, to submit for notarisation you need

, which means Xcode 10 (or later the Transporter app).