File Provider extension crashing because of low memory issue

Trying to convert document provder extension to File Provider extension . The app always crashes when it reaches to its limit 15MB.

By default when launced the app with out any of my code initialization File Provider Extension takes around 6.8MB of memory. After the app initialized , the memory peaked to 13.5MB. With remaining amount of memory my app always crashes when tried to download files of 10MB or more.

But when profiling with instruments the Persistent memory it takes is always 8 MB to 9MB and the app never crashes. Not sure about this behaviour.

Does anyone faced this issue? appreciate your help in advance


I just experienced a stutter (system animations were stuttering - not app-specific). I tried cold booting a couple times, killing all apps. Finally, after letting the phone cool off (it was getting warm) after been shut off for a while, I booted it up again, plugged it in to Xcode and checked logs. There were about 25 crash logs for FileProviderExtension and a couple of FileProvider.