Not able to log SIGTRAP crashes in watchOS

I was able to log crashes using NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler.

But I found it hard to log SIGTRAP crashes in the watchOS Extension app.

The code that I successfully used in iOS to log crashes doesn't work with the watchOS Extension app project.



struct sigaction signalAction = {{0}};

signalAction.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_ONSTACK;


signalAction.sa_sigaction = &handleCrash;

sigaction(SIGTRAP, &signalAction, NULL)


static void handleCrash(int sigNumber, siginfo_t* info, void* uContext) {

    printf("signal - crash detected");


The above block of code works fine in iOS projects, when I tried the same in watchOS, handleCrash() static function is not executed.

The sigaction() function returns 0 in the watchOS project - which is a success criterion, but even then the handleCrash() function is not invoked when a SIGTRAP crash is thrown.

Any help in the right direction is appreciated.

Thanks a ton in advance.