Images in documentation comments not working?

Does anyone use this? I can't get it working. I'm talking about code in normal swift files, not playgrounds.


/// ![testdiagram](/Users/me/fullpathto/test-image.png)
/// ![test xcode image](

Neither one displays anything in the documentation popover or the Quick Help Inspector.

The docs act like it works:

A lot of my code would really benefit from diagrams in documentation. I'd love to be able to use this.


This post was delayed by moderation, but in that time someone answered on the Swift forums. Apparently it's a known bug.

Can I track this bug somewhere?

For reference, the Swift forums comment mentioned above is here.

The comment (by Kyle Murray — krilnon on Swift forums) is:

This is a known issue (rdar://39360782). I narrowly missed the window of opportunity to update the markup reference before it became part of the archived documentation.

Are there any Apple engineers willing to pick this one up? It would be an extremely helpful tool, especially with the renewed push for good documentation à la DocC.