UIActivityViewController "Save to Files" action issue, while saving an image

Hi, all.

We use UIActivityViewController "save to file" action to save images to file system.
On the latest iOS version (13.3) some images could no be saved.
- show UIActivityViewController in a regular way;
- after tapping “Save to file“ on UIActivityViewController next message prints to console, while other action “Save Image“, etc. work fine.

[assertion] Error acquiring assertion: <NSError: 0x281cc5650; domain: RBSAssertionErrorDomain; code: 2; reason: "Specified target process does not exist">
[com.apple.CloudDocsUI.AddToiCloudDrive(1.0)] Connection to plugin interrupted while in use.
[ShareSheet] Cannot connect to view controller in com.apple.CloudDocsUI.AddToiCloudDrive - Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service on pid 483 named com.apple.CloudDocsUI.AddToiCloudDrive.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service on pid 483 named com.apple.CloudDocsUI.AddToiCloudDrive.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid.} info {

NSDebugDescription = "The connection to service on pid 483 named com.apple.CloudDocsUI.AddToiCloudDrive.viewservice was interrupted, but the message was sent over an additional proxy and therefore this proxy has become invalid.";

Did not find any other similar issues, only the next case

Has anyone encountered this problem?