preferredPeakBitrate not having effect on iOS13 (?)

Our use case is linear TV streaming.
We've been using AVPlayerItem's preferredPeakBitrate to limit the max bitrate for our bandwidth concious users.
Our code does it in this order:

var playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
playerItem.preferredPeakBitrate = x
var player = AVPlayer()
player.replaceCurrentItem(with: playerItem)

This has been working fine.
Recently we got a report from a user on iOS13 claiming that his peak bitrate wasn't respected. We were able to confirm the report.
Seems like the preferredPeakBitrate value is ignored unless we set it after the AVPlayerItem has reached .readyToPlay.
Our experience from iOS12 and earlier is that the above code is fine.
Has anyone else noticed this?


Yes I'm also facing the same issue. Any solution to this ?
Have you filed a bug?