Mac app not receiving notifications consistently

I use cloudkit notifications to keep my 3 macs in synch when changes occur in cloudkit. Yesterday, 2 of the 3 macs did not receive notifications while 1 did receive. All Macs are running the latest Catalina, 10.15.3. Today, with no code changes, 1 of the 3 macs is not receiving notifications, even after rebooting. But one is receiving that didn't receive yesterday.

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken is successful on all 3 Macs.

OK, just rebooted the failing Mac again and it is now receiving notifications. Now I am just concerned about the robustness of using the notifications.


Again, the iMac is not receiving notifications even after rebooting twice. Running the same code.

a call to [NSApp registerForRemoteNotifications]

produces neither didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken nor didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError.

This works on my other 2 test Macs, which are Macbook Pro's. The iMac is from 2015, the laptops are newer.

Notifications are working now on the iMac after reinstalling the OS.