AVAsset "leaks" memory

While retrieving metadata from media files, I've run into a memory issue I cannot figure out.

I want to retrieve metadata for media files either stored in the local app storage or in the iTunes area. For this I use AVAsset. While looping through these files I can see the memory consumption rising constantly. And not just a little. It is significant and end up stalling the app when I enumerate my iTunes library on the phone.

The problem seems to be accessing the metadata property on the AVAsset class. I've narrowed in down to one line of code: 'let meta = ***.metadata'. Having that line of code (without any references) makes the app consume memory. I've included an example of my code structure.

func processFiles(_ files:Array)
  var lastalbum : String = ""
  var i         : Int    = 0
  for file in files
    i += 1
    lastalbum = updateFile(file.url,lastalbum,
    { (album,title,artist,composer) in
      view.setProgressNote(album,title,artist+" / "+composer)

func updateFile(_ url:URL,_ lastalbum:String,iPod:Bool=false,
                _ progress:(String,String,String,String) -> Void) -> String
  let *** = AVAsset(url:url)
  let meta = ***.metadata

  for item in meta
    // Examine metadata
  // Use metadata
  // Callback with status

It seems that memory allocated in the updateFile method, is kept, even when the function is ended. However, once the processFile function completes and the app returns to a normal state, all memory is released again.

So in conclusion, this is not a real leak, but still a significant problem. Any good ideas as to what goes wrong? Is there any way I can force the memory management to run a cleanup?

Accepted Reply

It seems the solution lies in using 'autoreleasepool'. If I wrap the code in updateFile with a autoreleasepool block, the memory buildup is reduced to a minimum, which is within what I expect is needed during the processing. In a small test I reduced the buildup from 243 MB to less than 7 MB, so I considder this solved.


It seems the solution lies in using 'autoreleasepool'. If I wrap the code in updateFile with a autoreleasepool block, the memory buildup is reduced to a minimum, which is within what I expect is needed during the processing. In a small test I reduced the buildup from 243 MB to less than 7 MB, so I considder this solved.