Hello everyone,
Here is the description of our problem, please read it carefully as it quite technical:

Our system currently provides Register/Login by email and Sign In with Google, Sign In with Facebook. Here is how our Login with Social works in our app:

After Signing In with FB/GG for the first time, we get the accessToken from the app side and send to our API server.

Our API server will use FB/GG API endpoints to get user information from accessToken.

-> what we need are user's email, firstName, lastName, and imageProfile and then we will create a new user on our system and generate our own JWT token to access the app.

For the next time user signs in with FB/GG, our API will receive accessToken and will check if a user with that email exists on our system, we will generate JWT token for user to access the app.

As per our research, Apple has not provided API endpoint to get user information from accessToken yet. In your documentation, it says "accessToken will be reserved for future usage".

Our system's users are email-based. When using the app, at some points, we send emails directly to user to inform/remind user and also user contact us with this email.

But Apple Sign In will provide 2 options: share email or hide email. If user selects Share email, we will receive real email, but if user selects Hide email, we will receive another email (I know it's unique and verified but user never receive any emails on this kind of email), hence our user will not receive our order confirmations, invoices, shipping labels,...

So please advice how can we do to make Sign In with Apple work properly on our system?



Hi Lucas!
I am facing similar issue and I am wondering if hopefuly you managed to solve it ?