Packaging a Daemon with a Provisioning Profile

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IMPORTANT This post is now retired in favour of official documentation, namely Signing a Daemon with a Restricted Entitlement. I’m going to leave the original post here just for the record, but you should consider the official documentation authoritative.

Some APIs can be used from a daemon but require that the client have an entitlement that’s allowlisted by a provisioning profile. For example, the EndpointSecurity API can be called from daemon but requires that the daemon have the entitlement. macOS does not support this directly, but you can get things working by packaging your daemon in an app-like structure. Read this document to learn how to do this with Xcode.

Note If the API you’re using supports system extensions, you can avoid all of this rigmarole by packaging your client as a system extension. System extensions support provisioning profiles directly, and Xcode will automatically do the right in that case.

The basic idea here is to create an app target, rather than a command-line tool target, and then remove all of the app-specific stuff and replace it with your daemon code. The following example assumes Xcode 11.4 on macOS 10.15.4, but the technique should work on any version of Xcode or macOS.

To start, create a new app target (File > New > Project > macOS > App). Set the language popup to Objective-C and the User Interface popup to Storyboard.

Note This example uses Objective-C but this approach also works just fine with Swift.

In the General tab of the target editor, make sure that the Bundle Identifier is set correctly. This is important because a provisioning profile is tied to an App ID and the bundle identifier is a key part of that App ID.

Also set the App Icon > Source popup to “Don’t use asset catalogs”.

Switch to the Signing & Capabilities tab and configure it appropriately. In this example I:

  • Removed the App Sandbox capability — The App Sandbox is, as the name suggests, not appropriate for daemons.

  • Added the Hardened Runtime capability — You’ll need this to notarise your product, so you might as well set it up front.

  • Added a Keychain Sharing capability — This requires a provisioning profile, which is critical to this exercise.

In the Project navigator, select the Info.plist and then delete all the app-specific items (NSPrincipalClass, NSMainStoryboardFile, NSSupportsSuddenTermination and NSSupportsAutomaticTermination).

Also remove the AppDelegate.{h,m}, ViewController.{h,m}, Assets.xcassets, and Main.storyboard files.

Replace the code in main.m with your daemon code. For this example I used:

@import Foundation;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        SecCodeRef me;
        OSStatus err = SecCodeCopySelf(kSecCSDefaultFlags, &me);
        assert(err == errSecSuccess);
        CFDictionaryRef infoCF;
        err = SecCodeCopySigningInformation(me, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &infoCF);
        assert(err == errSecSuccess);
        NSDictionary * info = CFBridgingRelease(infoCF);
        NSDictionary * entitlements = info[(__bridge NSString *) kSecCodeInfoEntitlementsDict];
        NSLog(@"entitlements: %@", entitlements);

This logs the current process’s entitlements, which is a good way to confirm that things are set up correctly.

Build and run from Xcode. The program prints:

2020-02-26 09:21:31.142904+0000 DaemonInAppsClothing[7020:9340817] entitlements: {
    "" = "";
    "" = SKMME9E2Y8;
    "" = 1;
    "keychain-access-groups" =     (

Now add your daemon’s code to the project and call it from main.m. You can also replace main.m with a plain C or C++ main function if you wish.

The final structure of your daemon should look something like this:

% find

Now modify your launchd property list file so that the Program property (or the first item of the ProgramArguments array) points to the executable within Contents/MacOS/.

Finally, I should stress that you don’t have to build your daemon using Xcode; this is just an easy way to get started. If you’re using another build system, I recommend that you first use these instructions to create an example daemon, and then update your build system based on that.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Change history:

  • 26 Feb 2020 — Newly written today.

  • 9 Apr 2020 — Changed the test app name as aide-memoire. Updated the Xcode and macOS versions.

  • 26 Feb 2021 — Fixed the formatting.

  • 8 Nov 2021 — Added a retirement notice.

Up vote post of eskimo