Xcode Lost Connection

i have searched and tried for about 3 days but i cannot find it

my OS version is 10.15 and my iphone is 6s, when i connect it to mac finder can recognize it, but when i launch xcode the connection was lose, finder or itunes cannot recognise it but my mac can recognize my iphone,

i was try to restart the usbmuxd, but nothing change

i try to reconnect my iphone when xcode still open, my iphone will show in finder for just one second then lose

please help me...

i was try to test my application in my device for a month and there is no progress...

sorry for my english, i am so bad on english


Could try several solutions proposed here:


1st solution:

  • Run the app in iPhone6 Simulator.
  • After that Select Debug -> Attach to process -> iPhone Simulator.

or 2nd solution:

  • mac restarted
  • project cleaned
  • iPhone restarted

thank you for your response,

but it still same

i have to test my application in device before i publish it to public

After trying everything, it was resolved by

xcrun simctl spawn booted log config --mode "level:off" --subsystem com.apple.CoreTelephony

  • Hi Can you explain what we are doing in the above code.


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I talked to someone at Apple, and they gave me a temporary solution. As others already have said, larger apps with lots of dependencies are taking too long to launch. This is causing the debugger to abort and time out. To fix that, follow the steps:

Create a file called .lldbinit on your home directory (~) Add this line to the file: settings set plugin.process.gdb-remote.packet-timeout 300 Restart Xcode and try again It's working fine after that.