ApplePay certificates

Which type of certificate do I need to use ApplePay from the Web?


Let me provide a more general response first and then we can dig in from there about the specifics of each certificate. The domain where you will be processing payments from will need a valid SSL certificate. The Merchant account you have configured in the Apple Developer portal will also need a Merchant certificate associated with it. This Merchant certificate is tied to your domain as well. So the SSL certificate is used to secure traffic on your payment domain between your client and server, and the Merchant certificate is used to secure traffic between your server and Apple's servers.

For more on getting your Merchant certificate set up, see the documentation here.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at

Hi Matt,

Sorry, but your answer is not clear.

There is a different type of certificates. What ApplePay expect: CER, PEM, PFX on Merchant Validsation?