Can I use the app-store receipt to synchronize a non-renewing subscription amongst a devices?

My app does not provide server-side functionality, it's all in the mac app. My purchase model is two fold: 1) consumable purchases for discrete units of work, or 2) time-based subscription for unlimited work units. The consumables work fine, my issues are with non-renewing subscriptions.

What I'd like to do is rely on one source of truth, the app receipt. The apple docs say they don't "automatically" synchronize between devices, but can they "manually" synchronize? I.e., if I send a receipt refresh request, does the new receipt contain all the non-renewing subscriptions of my other app on another device where it was purchased? And, is this an acceptible manner of synchronizing receipts between devices, according to AppReview?

Accepted Reply

Found another thread. Will just follow that one instead.


Found another thread. Will just follow that one instead.