Obj-C: Unknown type name CHHapticPatternPlayer

I'm doing this:

@implementation RootViewController
static CHHapticEngine *hapticEngine API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0));
static CHHapticPatternPlayer *hapticPlayer API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.0));

But Xcode reports an error on the third line: "Unknown type name CHHapticPatternPlayer, did you mean CHHapticPatternKey?"

Further in my code I have this line:

hapticPlayer = [hapticEngine createPlayerWithPattern:pattern error:NULL];

And there Xcode says this error:

"Assigning to 'CHHapticPatternKey *' (aka 'NSString **') from incompatible type 'id<CHHapticPatternPlayer> _Nullable'"

Of course the pattern was first successfully initialized (code omitted here for clarity).

Might this issue be a bug in the framework?

Accepted Reply

Hi fcmapps, thanks for writing.

First, why are you including the API_AVAILABLE tags with your variable declarations? I don't think you can override what is declared in the public headers. You should just have:

static CHHapticEngine *hapticEngine;

Perhaps that does not matter for this issue -- your compile problem is due to the fact that the declaration of createPlayerWithPattern:error is the following:

- (nullable id<CHHapticPatternPlayer>)createPlayerWithPattern:(CHHapticPattern *)pattern error:(NSError **)outError;

Note that the player's type is id<CHHapticPatternPlayer>, so:

static id<CHHapticPatternPlayer> hapticPlayer;

Note, no "*" because this is not a pointer to a @class but rather a @protocol

Please consult here for reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corehaptics?language=objc



Hi fcmapps, thanks for writing.

First, why are you including the API_AVAILABLE tags with your variable declarations? I don't think you can override what is declared in the public headers. You should just have:

static CHHapticEngine *hapticEngine;

Perhaps that does not matter for this issue -- your compile problem is due to the fact that the declaration of createPlayerWithPattern:error is the following:

- (nullable id<CHHapticPatternPlayer>)createPlayerWithPattern:(CHHapticPattern *)pattern error:(NSError **)outError;

Note that the player's type is id<CHHapticPatternPlayer>, so:

static id<CHHapticPatternPlayer> hapticPlayer;

Note, no "*" because this is not a pointer to a @class but rather a @protocol

Please consult here for reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corehaptics?language=objc


Thank you, that solved my issue.

The reason I added the API_AVAILABLE tags was to keep Xcode from showing warnings all the time (my app's target is iOS 9 and higher).