Text Styles options missing

I'm using the latest XCode (11.3.1), and it seems broken.

Looking at a Label in my Storyboard, in the Attributes Inspector, for Font, I used to be able to select various "Text Styles", things like "Body", "Headline", etc. This is greyed out now. Also, when I do Edit->Format->Font the "Show Styles" option is greyed out.

I even opened a project that is using Text Styles on existing labels. When I try to look at the other options, the Text Styles is still greyed out, even though the label font is currently set to one of those (now non-existent) styles.

Did they remove this intentionally? Is it just my Mac (also running the latest software).



Accepted Reply

Tested on Catalina 10.15.3, works OK as well.

Did you test on several labels ?

Maybe an installation issue of XCode ?

Did you restart the Mac ?


Tested with XCode 11.3.1, MacOS 10.14.

Select a label in an iOS storyboard.

- Label is plain text

- In Attributes inspector, select Font (rounded T button)

- in the top dropdown (Font), I can select styles like Body, Callout…

Thanks Claude. So it might be a Catalina thing (I'm on 10.15.3).

Anyone else on Catalina can try this?


Tested on Catalina 10.15.3, works OK as well.

Did you test on several labels ?

Maybe an installation issue of XCode ?

Did you restart the Mac ?

A restart fixed it. Thanks Claude!