Matching multiple patterns in switch statement

I have the following types (slightly simplified):

enum BlockType {
  case Header
  case Text
  case ...

enum ScanState {
  case EmptyLine
  case Block(type: BlockType)

In one of my methods, I switch on ScanState:

switch scanState {
case .EmptyLine:

case .Block(let type) where type == .Header:

case .Block(let type) where type == .Text:

This works fine. However, now I change the BlockType enum to:

enum BlockType {
  case Header(level: Int)  // now has associated value
  case Text
  case ...

That causes the following line to fail compiling:

case .Block(let type) where type == .Header:

That makes sense because .Header is now an enum with an associated value and you can't use == to compare those.

Ideally, I'd extract the level value from the .Header case here too, something like this:

  case .Block(let type) where case .Header(let level) = type:

That also doesn't work. This appears to be unsupported syntax. However, the following works fine:

if case .Block(let type) = scanState, case .Header(let level) = type {

The `case .Header(let level) = type` construct works behind an `if` but not behind `where`.

Is there a way to express what I want in a single line?

If not, I can always nest another switch statement as follows, but I don't think that's as expressive:

switch scanState {
  case .EmptyLine:
  case .Block(let type):
      switch type {
      case .Header(let level):
      case .Text:


Accepted Reply

This seems to work:

var scanState: ScanState = .Block(type: .Header(level: 123))
switch scanState {
case .EmptyLine:
case .Block(.Header(let level)):
case .Block(.Text):


This seems to work:

var scanState: ScanState = .Block(type: .Header(level: 123))
switch scanState {
case .EmptyLine:
case .Block(.Header(let level)):
case .Block(.Text):

Hey, that's probably the one variation I didn't try. Thanks! :-)