

I am trying to create bookmarkdata for a file that does not exist. Earlier in Carbon Framework, we had API "FSNewAliasUnicode" which could create an alias of the file that does not exist using parent URL and file name. I need to add FileName Information to the bookmarkdata of the parent file of the file which does not currently exist on the disk. I am not able to find this functionality in Core foundation. The documentation for "CFURLCreatebookmarkData" says we can add resourcePropertiesToInclude while creating bookmark data. My question is how can I send custom fileName via resourcePropertiesToInclude while using API "CFURLCreatebookmarkData". The documentation also says we can pass collections like dictionary in resourcePropertiesToInclude. Can somebody give me an example of using collections in resourcePropertiesToInclude and then retrieving this dictionary via "CFURLCreateResourcePropertiesForKeysFromBookmarkData" during resolution of bookmarkdata.