WKWebView not show authorization window


We have app and have problem with authorization. Dont show autorization window.

We try do it from url - https://appleid.apple.com/auth/authorize?client_id=ranx.signin.com&response_type=code%20id_token&response_mode=form_post&state=ranxState&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Franxsport.com

App work in WKWebView class.

var webView: WKWebView?

and load url - webView?.load(request)

In web and android version all ok, in ios simulator all ok. But not work on device.


On video i tapped Apple button but not working.

Thanks for help.

Best regards Evgeniy.


I have the exact same problem.
Suddenly my 'sign in with apple' button doesn't work anymore on my device(s), but it works in the simulator...
Is this a bug in WKWebview?
I noticed that in UIWebview, sign in with apple (javascript version) works.
In WKWebview it stopped working. I updated my iPhone to iOS 13.4 and suddenly it worked again!
Still thinking this is a bug in WKWebview...