Neither WKWebView nor SFSafariViewController Meet Needs

I’m working on an app that needs to stream video from a user’s camera to a back-end server through an embedded web UI running in a sub-view. When server processing completes, the embedded browser javascript needs to return data to the parent swift code and be dismissed automatically. I tried WKWebView, which seemed like the logical choice for this use case, however getUserMedia(), the standard approach for streaming camera video, returns no video input devices. SFSafariViewController is able to handle the capture process, however, it poses these challenges:

1. The Done button and the bottom toolbar buttons (navigation, activity, and Safari) are superfluous in this case. I would like to hide them, but that is not supported by the API and seems to go against Apple guidelines. I want to avoid the risk of Apple not approving the app.

2. Unlike WKWebView, SFSafariViewController provides no way for it to programmatically dismiss itself (It relies on the Done button) and securely return data to the parent swift code.

Is there a recommended approach to for solving these issues or an alternative approach altogether?