Need a effective way to manage client apps

We are now getting forced to only use android apps for our client because we have been told by Apple that we need a developer account for each of our clients in their own name to submit the app we are developing. This has caused our workload to increase substantially on the verification , client needing to give access , registration of client developer accounts and losts more . Our App store development has decreased by 98% in the last 6 months. Many of our clients have just given up due to the stress of the whole process is forcing me under the instructions of clients to just use goolge playstore.

The clients are happy to pay a fee to submit the app but its impossible for app growth and this will over time reduce the need for apple products.

Is the a way to manage the whole process effectivlty and have the following features in the deloper account for submitting every app :

1) The Legal App service provider to end user (who is responsible of the running of the app - NOT THE DEVELOPER ACCOUNT OWNER )

2) App trading address

3) Payment for the app to submit

Does such a service exsist at the moment ? if not can we add this so that we are able to work on app building and our clients can focus on thier main business activity. The current process is too time consuming.


Appears you've used the wrong forum? Sorry if I missed it...what part of your 'current process' includes Enterprise Distribution?