Feature Request: A More Powerful Alternative To XCUITest

As it stands now, XCUITest is inferior to Android's instrumented tests + Espresso (in terms of flexibility and functionality).

Now Apple might say "we don't care if Android's UI tests are more powerful since we have enough apps anyways".

However, a better UI testing framework is in the interest of Apple since it improves the quality of iOS apps.

The flaws I am talking about are fundamental limitations of XCUITest's architecture.

Please see the discussion in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59898746/xcuitest-how-to-jump-into-app-code-how-to-modify-the-state-of-the-app-under-te for technical details about this issue.


>Feature Request

If you're attempting to submit one, feel free to use the Feedback Assistant, link below, being sure to add your FA report# to your thread for ref., thanks and good luck.

While we are at it, I am also suggesting a better assertion library than XCTAssert.

Specifically, I would like to have a "third generation assertion framework" that provides flexibility and useful error messages, similar to Hamcrest:


FA#s, pls., or it didn't happen 😉

Did you have an Apple IDE-centric technical question someone can attempt to help with?