app rejected because 3.2.2 - Unacceptable Business Models

as an individual developer account can we distribute a business app


Yes, if you choose to use Apple's Volume Purchase Program/Business2Business program (VPP/B2B). Companies would buy apps from you, via the App Store, for their use.

No, if the company is yours and you intend to distribute apps internally to your employees. In that example, your company would be best served by obtaining a Developer Enterprise Program account.

Don't forget the option where the dev works as an internal consultant for a business, making apps and helping them to distribute via their own Enterprise account.

Keep in mind that (a) you haven't talked about your app here and (b), you haven't shared any details on rejections/appeals, etc. If you want specific help in those examples, it's best to talk about them upfront vs. otherwise asking broad questions, etc., pls. see For Best Results - Read the Label