Reuse App Name after removing old app


We had an app for internal use in the App Store. At one point, as it was oriented only for the employees of the company, Apple refused to let us update the app further and instead told us to create a Custom App as the way to distribute it. We did so, but we didn't remove the old app yet.

Now we want to remove the old app and then rename the new app to use the old name. According to Apple documentation, it should be possible, but I've read in past forum or Stackoverflow posts that we won't be able to reuse the name, even if another developer could. The posts were old, so I wonder if this behaviour is different now. I've tried contacting Apple's Support but no one seems to be able to give me a proper answer.

Can anyone help? Thanks.


I do not know if anything has changed regarding reusing a name that you abandoned. If the app's name was "MyApp" you can use "MyApp+"

AFAIK, nothing has changed.

You can change the name, and you or another dev can reuse it, but if you delete an app, it's name goes back into the pool for anyone but you.

Goes like this:

1.) Rename existing app to throwaway name. Was nameA, now nameB - requires an app update. You can choose to take existing app off-sale in all countries at this time if you like - do not delete it.

2.) Act quickly to re-use nameA for another/new app before someone else grabs it. Submit to the store as usual.

3.) Delete old app (nameB) at your leisure - I'd make sure everything went as planned first by simply taking old app off-sale in all countries for a while.

Option is to simply modify existingName to a variant: existingName+ etc., for the new app.