i have created IOS framework with dylib and trying use this framework in my application but after launch there is an error

Error: dyld: Library not loaded:.dylib Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/43345D9E-F58D-4FBD-9C22-DD2554AE0484/COCO.app/Frameworks/.framework/cocosdk Reason: image not found

things I've tried:

1) install_name_tool -change oldpath newpath libname

2) The framework already present in Embedded Binarie

3) Present in Build Phases Copy Files to Framework

4) Added Runpath search path as "@rpath/.dylib", "@executable_path/Frameworks", "@executable_path/Frameworks/.framework/Frameworks/.dylib", "@rpath/Frameworks/.framework/Frameworks/*.dylib" 5) Added same path in Dynamic Lib install name

6) Deleted all Derived Data

7) Clean the project and tried