Notification of Window drag in Mac Catalyst app?

The problem is this:

When dragging a Catalyst app window between retina and non-retina displays on a Mac, my views are often drawn correctly (proper scaling).

However, sometimes the scaling is wrong when dragging between the displays and it stays wrong when the window dragging stops, or when the window is dragged again within the same display (some other user action must be taken to force a redraw of the affected views).

None of traitCollectionDidChange: (traitCollection.displayScale), viewWillLayoutSubviews, or viewDidLayoutSubviews occurs late enough in the process (dragging between displays) to initiate a redraw of the view when the problem occurs.

It seems that I need to know when the window is dragged.

How can this be managed in a Mac Catalyst app?

Thank you for any help.

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I have a similar problem. Has any solution been found or posted?