Change background color based on SWITCH statement


I have this code to change my background color based on the enum AddressType

enum AddressType: String, CaseIterable{
  case shipFrom = "1"
  case shipTo = "2"
  case unknown = "999"

  init(type: String) {
  switch type {
  case "1": self = .shipFrom
  case "2": self = .shipTo
  default: self = .unknown

  var text: String {
  switch self {
  case .shipFrom: return "Ship From"
  case .shipTo: return "Ship To"
  case .unknown: return "N/A"

.background(addressType.self == AddressType.shipFrom ? : Color.yellow)

Question is now: what do I have to do if I want my shipFrom in and my shipTo in I have tried adding a 2nd .background() for the shipTo but that did not work.

Is there any way to work with more than 1 IF clause?


Accepted Reply

The way to use more logic in making the background color decision is to factor it out into another method:

private func backgroundColor(for addressType: AddressType) -> Color {
    switch (addressType) {
    case .shipFrom: return .green
    case .shipTo: return .orange
    case .unknown: return .yellow


var body: some View {
    .background(backgroundColor(for: addressType))

Personally, I'd be inclined to put the color choice into the AddressType itself, perhaps in an extension available to the view that needs it:

extension AddressType {
    var backgroundColor: Color {
        switch (self) {
        case .shipFrom: return .green
        case .shipTo: return .orange
        case .unknown: return .yellow




The way to use more logic in making the background color decision is to factor it out into another method:

private func backgroundColor(for addressType: AddressType) -> Color {
    switch (addressType) {
    case .shipFrom: return .green
    case .shipTo: return .orange
    case .unknown: return .yellow


var body: some View {
    .background(backgroundColor(for: addressType))

Personally, I'd be inclined to put the color choice into the AddressType itself, perhaps in an extension available to the view that needs it:

extension AddressType {
    var backgroundColor: Color {
        switch (self) {
        case .shipFrom: return .green
        case .shipTo: return .orange
        case .unknown: return .yellow



Excellent answer, thanks for providing both alternatives! 🙂
