Cannot connect to iTunes Store

We all see this error "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" when trying to rich the iTunes Connect?

Even SKRequest gives it.

And Apple - Support - System Status says that everything's fine.


I got the same issue with you

The error message:
Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo=0x174c73dc0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store, SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503}

Same here, only seems to affect the developer services here though; a live store-version of the app still works fine.

Same for me.

Sandbox server seems to be down. Hope they can fix it soon.

I'm seeing the same error when connecting to IAP sandbox environment:

Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo=0x7f9474707120 {NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store, SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503

Anyone knows if Apple is aware and taking care of this?

Same issue here

Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=109 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo=0x175ca850 {SSErrorHTTPStatusCodeKey=503, NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store}

Please reply if its working 😟

Same for me. 😟

Same error.

Still not yet fix:(

not working for 7 hours now

Still down for me, too.

Also down and same 109 error for me.

The same here!

I also cannot connect to itune store!! Sandbox still down?

I am facing the same issue. Is apple looking into the issue. Or are we guys doing something wrong?

Sandbox purchases are working again in my apps 🙂