how to get data inside [ " Partly cloudy" ]

how can I get the data inside [ ] from api , some like "weather_descriptions":["Partly cloudy"]

Accepted Reply

OK, so that will work.

But iy is not robust if you get from JSON tomorrow 2 strings, such as "Humid" and "hot.

To close the thread, find the correct answer and click "Mark as correct"


Can you clarify ?

"weather_descriptions":["Partly cloudy"]

Is this part of a dictionary ?

In that case, dictionary is of type [String : [String]]

     var myDict : [String : [String]]

First is the key, second part [String] is value.

To get the value, access fwith its key:

if let valueArray = myDict["weather_descriptions"] {
     let value = valueArray[0] // "Partly cloudy"

The key must be the exact string (incl uppercases and lowercases)

valueArray is ["Partly cloudy"]

Or all at once:

if let value = myDict["weather_descriptions"]?[0]  {
     print("weather is", value)

to get

weather is Partly cloudy

Thanks Claude,

Yes, this is part of array that from API json weatherStack, as I try to make a weatherApp.

I can get data from

"current" : {

"temperature" : 22 ,

"wind_dir" : "SSW" ,

"weather_descriptons" : ["Partly cloudy"] ,


for temperature and wind_dir like this

if let current = json["current"] as? [ String : AnyObject] {

if let temp = current["temperature"] as? Int { self.temperture = temp}

if let windD = current["wind_dir"] as? Int { self.windDir = windD}


but not for "weather_descriptions"

if let Condition = current["weather_descriptions"] as? String {self.condition = Condition }


In most cases you’re better off decoding JSON using

. For example:
let jsonData = Data("""
        "current" : {
            "temperature" : 22 ,
            "wind_dir" : "SSW" ,
            "weather_descriptons" : ["Partly cloudy"] ,
struct Current: Codable {
    var temperature: Int
    var windDir: String
    var weatherDescriptons: [String]
struct Response: Codable {
    var current: Current
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let response = try! decoder.decode(Response.self, from: jsonData)
print(response.current.weatherDescriptons)  // -> ["Partly cloudy"]

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

current["weather_descriptions"] is [String]: an array, not a string.

Claude31, I see with thanks🙂

Thanks Eskimo, will use this method next time 🙂

If done, don't forget to close the thread.

Good continuation.

Finally, I can get the data as follow

if let conditions = current["weather_descriptions"] as? Array<String> {

for condition in conditions {

self. condition = condition



condition is an label string.

Thank you all , again !

Great, good continuation.

Something not clear however:

if there are several condition in current["weather_descriptions"], then you load self.condition several times but just retain the last.

To handle multiple conditions, you could write:

self. condition = ""     // reset
if let conditions = current["weather_descriptions"] as? [String] {
     for condition in conditions {
          if !self.condition.isEmpty {      // let's add a separator before appending the new one
               self.condition += ", "
      self.condition += condition     // Now, we can append properly the next condition

Don't forget to close the thread.

Thanks, actually there is only one condition, I use conditions is just for identical

buy the way, how I close this thread? I found no button doing this 😕

OK, so that will work.

But iy is not robust if you get from JSON tomorrow 2 strings, such as "Humid" and "hot.

To close the thread, find the correct answer and click "Mark as correct"

Thanks again 🙂