Swift help please!!

Me and my acquaintances are currently in the process of making a map app using Xcode and swift. However, we are struggling on how to read a text file line by line to get coordinates. We also are struggling on how to zoom into graphic coded pictures we make (like when we code a square on to the screen, how do we zoom into it) Thanks!


Here is the logic.

The file has an URL: importFileURL

0. Declare a few var

            var data = ""     // will contain the whole text
            var linesOfFile : Array = []    // all the lines of data
            var numberOfLines = 0

1. Read the file (need to check what is the encoding: String.Encoding.utf8, or String.Encoding.isoLatin1 or String.Encoding.ascii or …

  do {
      data = try NSString(contentsOf: importFileURL, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as String
   } catch {
     print("Read error"
     // quit

2. Parse data into lines

                let newlineChars = CharacterSet.newlines //  newline char
                linesOfFile = data.components(separatedBy: newlineChars).filter{!$0.isEmpty}     // Don't keep enty lines
                numberOfLines = linesOfFile.count

3. Read each line and extract info

for i in 0..     // Parse the line and do what you need

Is that what you are looking for ?

If so, thanks to close the thread by marking this answer as correct.

You are newto the forum, so a few advices:

- Give a title that is meaningfull. Anyone here asks for help, please. So it is totally void title.

Should be: How to read a textFile line by line

- Dont ask multiple questions.

So, for the question "how to zoom into graphic coded pictures"

Open a new thread

Give it a meaningfull title

explain precisely what the problem is

show the code you have written so far (forum is not there to do the work for you !)

Note: zooming may be use gestures, use a stepper or a scroll bar

Zooming is obtained by changing the image size in a scrollView.

But that is a question for the second thread.

Did it work ?

Note: I see forum editor does not like the ..<

here is the correct line

for i in 0 ..< numberOfLines {    // Parse the line and do what you need 

If not, please explain what is the problem.