os_log are not visible in the Xcode console during UI tests


I have an iOS application. For logging I'm using the unified logging system but I found that when I run a UI tests the logs (from the application) are not presented in the Xcode's console (I can see them in the Console app).

The log leve are "debug", "error". Some of the logs are form a framework.

Do I have to do sth to see all os_log messages in the Xcode's console durring the UI tests? Is it even possible?

The Console app is not so easy when tests are execited in parallel.

I have tried:

sudo log config --mode "level:info" --subsystem com.example.yourapp

with the "info" and "debug"


xcrun simctl spawn booted log stream --debug --predicate 'subsystem == "com.example.yourapp"'

but this gives me an error: No devices are booted.
