
I'm developing an application with a NSSplitView in the main NSWindowController which is organized like that:

a menu on the left panel, which contains an outlineView with many choices and a detailView on the right panel which corresponds to the item choosen in the left panel.

In the main NSWindowController, I have a toolbar with Buttons (that's the important point)

Then I click on an item in the left panel, I have the following action:

func outlineViewSelectionDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
        let outline = notification.object as! NSOutlineView
        let item = outline.item(atRow: outline.selectedRow)
        if item is MenuSocietes {
            if vc != nil {
                vc = nil
            vc = societesController()
            if splitView.subviews.count > 1 {
        } if item is MenuImmeuble {
            if vc != nil {
                vc = nil
            vc = immeubleController((item as! MenuImmeuble).id)
            if splitView.subviews.count > 1 {
        } else {
            if vc != nil {
                vc = nil

Of course this is just a example (a little dirty, I know).

societesController and immeubleController are NSViewControllers.

Now I want my detailView (in the above code, societesController or immeubleController) to interact with the NSToolbar of the main NSWindowController.

It would be easy to pass this toolbar as a parameter in the init code of my details NSViewController, but I'm not sure it's the finest way.

I try to find, in my viewControllers (societesController and immeubleController) the ancestor, doing something like this:

var _parent = presentingViewController
        while _parent != nil {
            _parent = _parent!.parent

the first line return nil as _parent. Am I missing something?

Accepted Reply

You are right, I chosse the first

because one thing I didn't told is that my application is document based so I can have multiple splitview and multiple toolbars.

That"s why I was looking for the ancestor



In such case you can either:

- use delegates

Define a protocol, SplitCoordination (just to give a name) with a func actionOnToolBar

MasterView would conform to SplitCoordination and implement the action

Define a deletae in DetailView

var splitDelegate : SplitCoordination?

On transitioning to DetailView, set the delegate

detailView.splitDelegate = self

In Detail, where you need, invoke

splitDelegate?.actionOnToolBar() // With relevant parameters

- post notifications

Have Master subscribe to a notification

Post notification from Detail

On receiving notification, Master will do what is needed ; it can even pass data to detail through another notification in userInfo.

func post(name aName: NSNotification.Name, object anObject: Any?, userInfo aUserInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]? = nil)

- Define global var for Master and Detail instances and use them directly.

Seems the first should be preferred in this case.

You are right, I chosse the first

because one thing I didn't told is that my application is document based so I can have multiple splitview and multiple toolbars.

That"s why I was looking for the ancestor


So, was the proposed solution the correct answer ?

That was the advice.