Impossible to localize SFSafariContextMenu

I'm trying already for several hours to localize the single menu item in the Info.plist file SFSafariContextMenu -> Item 0 -> Text.

I replaced the value of the text by CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PASTE_ADDRESS.

Then I created a InfoPlist.strings file and localized it in all my supported languages.

In each localized InfoPlist.strings file, I added:


CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PASTE_ADDRESS = "Wegwerfbare E-Mail-Adresse einfügen";


CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PASTE_ADDRESS = "Coller une adresse jetable";


CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PASTE_ADDRESS = "Paste disposable address";

Then I cleaned the build project directory and compiled again the project and run it.

Now Safari is showing in the context menu "CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PASTE_ADDRESS" without showiung the real localized value of it.

Is this a bug in the Apple framework?