XS Max table view cell image too large

I have an app that features dynamic tableviews that seem to work well on almost every device. Here is a view of an app table on the 11 Pro Max simulator, where everything looks fine.

When I run the app on an iPhone XS Max, the thumbnail images get set to the full width of the device, and the accessory views get written over the top, but the title and subtitle get written over. Like this:

I tried forcing the image frame to be 44 wide by 44 high, but this seemed to have no effect. The code I used was in cellForRowAt and looked as follows:

cell.imageView?.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44)

cell.imageView?.image = UIImage(named: plant.gallery[0])

I cannot see if the problem comes in a simulator since Xcode 11.3 doesn't have simulators for the XS Max.

So my questions are two. Why doesn't the imageView frame control the image size, and why does the problem only seem to show up with the XS Max (though I haven't seen if it arises for the XS)?